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Why You Should Hire a Work Injury Lawyer

Whether you or someone you love suffered an on-the-job neck injury, is enduring the life-changing effects of mesothelioma or just got laid off due to workplace injuries, it’s crucial that you contact a Work injury lawyer as soon as possible. A qualified attorney can help you navigate the complex workers’ compensation process and ensure that all documents are submitted accurately and on time. They can also conduct a thorough investigation of the accident that caused your work-related injuries, interviewing witnesses and working with experts to reconstruct the incident. They can even assist you in filing a personal injury lawsuit against the liable third parties, when appropriate.

Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may be entitled to compensation for all of your medical expenses, including hospital bills and prescriptions, as well as any lost wages from missing work due to your injuries. In addition, a Work injury lawyer can help you claim benefits for the cost of your ongoing physical therapy and other treatment that will allow you to return to work in a reasonable amount of time. You could also receive compensation for your loss of future earning capacity if your injury or illness is permanent and prevents you from returning to work in the same occupation as before.

A Work injury lawyer can also help you file an appeal if your workers’ compensation claim is denied. They can help you gather additional evidence and submit a stronger case to have the denial reversed. In addition, they can advise you on your legal rights regarding retaliation against you by your employer in the event of a workplace injury.

In very few cases, you can make a claim outside of workers’ compensation. This typically applies to if the injuries you sustained were the result of your employer’s intentional act, or are suffered by crew members on a vessel, railroad, or other interstate commerce transport company. In these types of claims, you will need a New York work related injury lawyer to file a lawsuit against the liable parties.

While some people try to file their own workers’ compensation claims, it is often in your best interests to hire a New York work injury lawyer. This is because the process is complicated and there are many deadlines that must be met. Additionally, the law is very specific about what must be included in a claim to be successful. Even a small error could disqualify you from receiving monetary compensation.

In addition, a New York work injury attorney can help you pursue a personal injury lawsuit against a liable third party when applicable. This is important because it allows you to recover damages beyond what you might receive through a workers’ compensation claim, such as for pain and suffering and loss of future earnings. In addition, a third-party lawsuit can help you recover punitive damages against the responsible party. In the tragic cases of fatal work-related accidents, a work injury lawyer can also help you file a wrongful death suit.

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